Sunday, August 12, 2012

Continuing To Run The Race

As Christians we are going to face disappointments in life that will make us want to not finish the race we started when we gave our lives to Christ.
Paul said in 1Corinthians 9:24, "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it."
We need to run with faith, know that if we fall God is there to pick us up, but if we quit the race we are exceptable to fall into sin. 
If you don't run, you can't win, and if you can't win, you can't get the reward promised to you. Which is a  crown in heaven and that's is the best prize of all.
There is one thing better the winning a medal for a race, it is hearing God say, "Well done good and faithful servant.
While running with patience the race for the king, with obstacles taking their toll, we slow down to look up for help from our Lord: He keeps us aware of our goal. By Branon

Friday, July 27, 2012

Prayer Is A Powerful Thing

When it comes to prayer, do you pray enough.
I've had so much hurt in my life and by so many people. When hurt festers in your heart, you feel like you don't have any peace in your life. That's when you need to pray, I know it is hard sometimes when you are hurting and wonder if God hears your prayers. I want you to know that God loves you and he hears your prayers, we just want things right here and now. God does not work on our time, he does things in his own time, we just have to trust and believe that our prayers will be answered because we have faith and we know that he will never forsake us. 
In Matthew 21:22, Jesus say, "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
You have to believe in what you are praying for and you will receive them. God is a rewarder of them that believe, that's the power of prayer.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Trusting God For Everything

Everyone goes through seasons in their lives, but as you go through things in your life you must seek God. He is the only one that can bring you through them. When my husband suffered a stroke last year and with him gone in rehab everything fell on me. I did not have a job to pay the rent or the bills. I had no kind of family support to help me with anything. I had to make sure that everything was taken care of while my husband was away in rehab. One night I was crying and I cried out to God for help, I didn't call on man I called out to God for help. When I did that and put all of my trust in him, he showed up and showed out. When you trust him he will not let his seed beg for bread. God was touching hearts of strangers and my rent and all of my bills were paid in full each month. I can not give man no glory in my blessings, I give it all to God because I solely trusted in him and he truly blessed me and my family. You must depend on God for everything. When you depend on God, it shows that you have great faith and he will take care of your every need. God does not want us to serve no other god but him, he do not want us to depend on man first and if things does not work out then we come to him second. No, I don't think that is right because , I believe that God should come first in everything you do in your life and not seeking God first to see if I made the right decision would be the wrong thing to do. A baby depends on the mother for everything because that's all the baby knows and depends on for food, affection and love. That's how we should be, depending on God for everything. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus say, "Seek ye the kingdom and all things shall be added unto you." You have to seek God and start having a personal relationship with him. You study his word and start living by his word, watch and see that all things be added unto you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Christian Walk Can Sometimes Be A Lonely Walk

Life is a journey, and the people you meet along the way are those who were for that moment in time. So don't be hurt when they stop calling or coming around you. Dust your feet and keep it moving, God will put people in your life who will walk that journey with you like Elijah and Elisha. 2Kings 2:1-8

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Loving The Way God Made You

Ladies we are children of God and He does not make mistakes. We are so busy worrying about what people think about how we look, the only one you need to please is God, again He does not make mistakes.  We have a poor self image of ourselves and often times young girls don't have any positive women to model by. Mothers stop telling their daughter that beauty comes from within instead they start telling them that their noses are to big or they need to get a boob job, and the sad thing about that is the girls are as young as 12 years old.  Ladies all you have to is eating healthy foods, exercise and use natural products on your face and not so much makeup it can do a lot of damage to your skin in the long run. In Genesis 1:27, God created man in His own image, so again He does not make mistakes. Ladies we are all beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different.